Scale live group learning to


Make your learning programs radically engaging and sticky at scale — by turbocharging interactive problem solving, practice, and feedback using our AI-enabled live group learning platform.

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See how it works
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"At Harvard Business Publishing, we've been excited to work with Sparkwise on expanding our client offerings. Their platform is intuitive, collaborative, and extremely fun. And the Sparkwise team is nimble, eager, thoughtful, and collaborative. I have been very impressed in my dealings with them."

Jim Bodor
VP, Harvard Business Publishing

We support many use cases


Drive learning activation and sustainment

Ensure the learning actually sticks by letting people get together to review, practice, and master key concepts


Automate and scale in-demand workshops

Drive completion of critical workshops by delivering them as often as needed—without needing more instructors


Reduce cost and burden of train-the-trainer model

Easily cascade your training down many layers of the organization by automating the delivery of live learning


Enrich breakouts and peer learning

Turn loosely structured peer learning into fully guided experiences for consistent engagement and impact


Foster connection and community

Infuse live social learning that enhances learner motivation, engagement, and retention


Supplement and scale human experts

Automate foundational training so that your experts can focus on providing more advanced or contextualized support

Who we partner with

Is your business tied to elevating skills, mindsets, and behaviors of people at scale? Chances are, we can help.

  • Training providers
  • Educational institutions
  • Consulting firms
  • Upskilling & reskilling programs
  • E-learning platforms
  • Book authors & influencers
  • L&D & enablement
  • ...and more!
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How it works

Our patent-pending tech powers live group learning grounded in learning science.

Active learning in small groups

Make online learning radically more engaging. Interactive challenges let people dive in, explore ideas, and get hands-on practice together.

Just the right level of guidance

Empower learners as heroes of their own learning journeys. Our structured activities and prompts trigger insights from within while keeping everyone on track.

Conversations that build community

Foster human connection. Sparkwise creates an informal space for people to share perspectives and grow closer together.

Run on demand, as often as you need

Make live group learning flexible and repeatable. You can schedule live learning for any group size, anytime, as many times as needed.

Insights that stick

See lasting impact. Sparkwise prompts your team to turn learning into action and gives you tips to support them.

Tailor it to your liking

Fit Sparkwise to your needs. We can work as a standalone learning program, plug into your existing offerings, or anywhere in between.

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Leaders love that we’re




"We love how Sparkwise lets us scale high-quality learning experiences that get people interacting live together, no matter the cohort size."

Stephen Turban
Stephen Turban
CEO, Ladder

"Our teams really enjoy the 'solving problems together with peers' component of Sparkwise. It's out of the regular workday in terms of content, so it's risk-free, social, and fun."

Leon Mishkis
Leon Mishkis
COO, NewtonX

"I see folks coming out of the sessions feeling like they had actionable takeaways. Very concrete strategies and tools that they can implement in the moment, on topics that they are working on."

Amie Ninh
Amie Ninh
Head of DEI, Clever

Learners find us exciting!





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Start with a quick pilot

Define pilot scope

Identify content you want to turn into scalable group learning

Prove out impact

Work with us to create and deliver custom modules as a pilot

Scale effortlessly

Run your modules anytime, for groups of any size

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Book a consultation

Talk with one of our Learning Architects about how you can address your organization’s learning needs with our platform — whether it running your own custom content or using our library.