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Combating Your Inner Critic
Empower Yourself

Combating Your Inner Critic

Conquer negative self-voice that diminishes your effectiveness

Combating Your Inner Critic
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Combating Your Inner Critic
Empower Yourself
Combating Your Inner Critic

Conquer negative self-voice that diminishes your effectiveness

Combating Your Inner Critic
What participants will do together
  • Analyze the causes of your inner critic
  • Practice knowing when your inner critic is present
  • Practice combatting your inner critic with mental and physical responses

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Why this topic matters
Many of us have an inner critic, a voice that expresses disappointment and frustration towards our own actions, whether or not it's justified by reality. This inner critic can seriously damage our relationships, hurt productivity, and decrease overall happiness.
What participants will do together
  • Analyze the causes of your inner critic
  • Practice knowing when your inner critic is present
  • Practice combatting your inner critic with mental and physical responses

What participants say

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