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Speaking with Structure
Communicate with Impact

Speaking with Structure

Offer insightful comments in an organized way during live conversations

Speaking with Structure
Explore All
Speaking with Structure
Communicate with Impact
Speaking with Structure

Offer insightful comments in an organized way during live conversations

Speaking with Structure
What participants will do together
  • Identify factors that make you sound disorganized
  • Learn different ways to frame a signposting statement upfront to structure your speech
  • Practice using the signposting statement

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Why this topic matters
Rambling on in our speech hurts the way we're perceived, dilutes important messages, and causes listeners to tune out.
What participants will do together
  • Identify factors that make you sound disorganized
  • Learn different ways to frame a signposting statement upfront to structure your speech
  • Practice using the signposting statement

What participants say

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